On Apr 3, 2005, at 11:43 PM, vade wrote:
Hello list.
2 quick questions.
- Is there a way to enable an alpha channel for the [color ( message
to gemwin? I ask because jitters [erase_color] attribute with an alpha between 0 and 1 allows for interesting trailing effects when geometry is moved, and leaves a gradated trail behind it. Quite nice.
Looks like the alpha is set to 0.0 after the message is received, which is an oversight. You can use GEMglClearColor to set an new color and it does handle alpha.
- Is there a way to change blend mode attributes for gemhead objects?
Ie force a renderchain to render with one of the 7 source and 7 alpha blending modes that should be available?
The [alpha] object has the basic transparency function. Rolling your own around GEMglBlendFunc might work although the messages for src and dst are floats, which might require looking at the GL headers to get those values.