On Nov 4, 2007, at 12:25 AM, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
DesireData has much more substantial and interesting changes than
the colors and backgrounds. it is also, unfortunately, not at a
fully usable state yet. Since there were 50,000+ downloads of the
previous version of Pd-extended ( 0.38.4), I think it's worthwhile
to spend a couple days to make Pd-extended work better while we are
waiting for DesireData..hc
Sorry, I hope my tone was not discouraging; I most certainly
support this.It would be cool if you could document your changes, since I'd be
interested in helping out. http://puredata.info/dev/GuiIdeas/ (I added some of the things from this thread just now)By the way, Monaco on Leopard is rendering anti-aliased at 10pt
again, so Pd-e looks great there out of the box.
Here's the patch with the changes that I made, there is a section in
u_main.tk (aka pd.tk) that lists the colors that you can configure:
http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/pure-data/packages/patches/ color_scheme_support-0.40.3.patch
If anyone is interested in working on the Pd GUI, a good place to
start is the various panels. I played a bit with this GUI builder
thing, it's quite handy. It's a bit buggy, but useful, and available
on GNU/Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php? group_id=24918&package_id=219784
The app is a little weird to run on Mac. First download this file,
Then if you add ".command" to the end of it, you can run it by
doubleclicking. You also have to set it as executable.
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/spectcl/guibuilder-macosx- universal-20070129
Basically, if you are interest in improving the GUI, you could use it
to remake some of the panels. The IEMGUI panels are quite hard to
modify, but the Pd ones are easy, so try some of these:
find panel send panel text editor array panel canvas/GOP panel Pd window all four preferences panes
Avoid BWidget and Iwidgets since those aren't currently included in
Pd's Tcl/Tk.
Computer science is no more related to the computer than astronomy is
related to the telescope. -Edsger Dykstra