Hi Ricardo, Well I didn't have chance to try it with [comport], but I suspect you need to make the output of [comport] into lists using the slip packet delimiter 192 and [list append] and [list prepend] as in the [list] examples. It should not crash Pd though, that's bad... Martin
Hi Martin, I used [list preped] and [list append] as you said and now it works, thanks.
However, I am still getting crashes with the stream from comport (if I program the microcontroller to send messages every ~200ms, it works fine), I read a recent mail about unpackOSC, then I tested using just slipdec (still crashes)
Crashes occur if I send messages too fast, just putting a [metro 50] to a valid message in slipenc-help.pd or sending microcontroller messages every 10 - 50 ms, freezes pd, and eventually make it crash.
I don't know what should be the minimun time that slipdec needs to process a packet, I use the same settings that I use in Linux with serialIO, OpenSoundControl and OSCruote [1], in Linux it works pretty well even with shortes times.
Do you know if this difference could be related to the operative system?
[1] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/wiki/AVR#Communicating_with_Pd_via_OSC_over_USB