Hi! Sorry if the following problem Im having is a bit sketchy, but I need to figure it out before wednesday Im having a little problem interfacing the comport serial object with a basic stamp (seems easy?)
I send a variable named mojo (word 16bit) from the basic stamp (com1, 9600 baud, parity none, data bits 8 and no flow control) with the command: SEROUT 16, $4054,[ mojo ] (I also tried: SEROUT 16, 9600,[ mojo ] Open pd.. open testcomport.pd open com1 Then I get lots of unwanted numbers that repeat in a pattern. Only one of these numbers seems to be the variable I want, yet it is now reduced in 8bit (0-255) so I tried changing my variable to 8-bit then I tried changing some serial settings I could try to filter out those numbers, but I hope theres a more elegant way
Thanks if you read this far
Hugo Hugo hugodini@warpmail.net