Hallo, Dieter Untermieter hat gesagt: // Dieter Untermieter wrote:
two new problems occured now:
- is there anything like a "if"-object in pd. i think that i used
such a object in pd, but when i try to create such a object pd tells me that there is no if object.
There is no general "if" object, because the "what" in "if what" can be something very different depending on your use case. Some "if"-like objects could be [select] (bang, if selection matches), [==], send "1" if two numbers are equal or similar.
- and i am looking for a way to empty a list.
Maybe you want: [t b]? This will convert everything to a bang, which is an empty list, kind of.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
_ __latest track: "scans" _ http://footils.org/cms/show/41