[Ben Bogart - FMPM/F1999]->[Re: [PD] network messages to max]->[02-09-23 21:29]
|There is a MAX object called pdnetreceive and pdnetsend which talks to a |PD UDP netreceive/netsend. Can download at: | |ftp://fals.ch/pub/pdnets/ | |Works well!
hopefully well but only for single floats afair. no lists and strings.
for slightly more sofistikation check: http://pd.iem.at/pdwiki/index.php?OpenSoundControl
it works with max, pd, flash, ...
btw, has by chance anybody tried pyext with python OSC kit?
| |Ben | | |On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 Harchanko@aol.com wrote: | |> Is there any way to use netsend or other object to send information to |> Max/MSP? What is the receive object in MAX/MSP. |> |> Thanks, |> |> Joe |> | | | |B. Bogart |--------- | | |_______________________________________________ |PD-list mailing list |PD-list@iem.kug.ac.at |http://iem.kug.ac.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pd-list |