Hi !
Yes, there´s somehing wrong.
While experimenting with the stk external, I forgot to put conditionals into the makefile to take care of people who don´t have stk installed. There is a version of stk on ftp://iem.mhsg.ac.at/gige/ggext which should be compiled and installed in order to use the stk external, and get the new ggext-0.11 in the same directory, which *should* handle the problem.
No guarantee though, as I´m currently a little bit short of time ... I will make ggext-0.12 a little bit more user (compilation) friendly.
dieter@rhiz.org writes:
hi! when i try to compile the new ggexternals i get
ld -export_dynamic -shared -o ggext.pd_linux *.o -lstk -lc -lm -lstdc++-3-libc6.1-2-2.10.0 -lpthread ld: cannot open -lstdc++-3-libc6.1-2-2.10.0: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
and when i start pd with -lib ../ggext/ggext i get
tried /usr/local/pd/ggext/ggext.pd_linux and succeeded /usr/local/pd/ggext/ggext.pd_linux: /usr/local/pd/ggext/ggext.pd_linux: undefined symbol: __builtin_new /usr/local/pd/ggext/ggext: can't load library
what is missing, what is wrong?
help, bitte danke
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