Hi James,
Apologies for not providing all the info. I am using a dual G5 with 10.3.9, pd version 0.38-4 and gcc version 3.3. I'm trying to compile pdp 0.12.4. btw I'm finding a lot of references to /home/tom/ in the Makefiles in the opengl folder. anyway, I'm not sure I've got everything I need installed properly, so I'll have another crack at it tomorrow. Right now I'm updating fink, so I'll leave it at that for now.
Best, Ed PS you weere right about libquicktime not being properly installed!
--- james tittle tigital@mac.com wrote:
hi ed,
On Aug 3, 2005, at 9:30 AM, Ed Kelly wrote:
now there is an OSX problem with the ieee1394 component:
ld: pidip-modules/pdp_ieee1394.o illegal reference
symbol: _OpenDefaultComponent defined in
referenced dynamic library
make: *** [darwin] Error 1
not sure what to do, but highly relieved to find apt-get in fink
...it'd be a lot of help if you said something about which version of
things you are working with: OS, gcc, pd, pdp, etc. Once we figure
that out, then it's easier to suggest methods of attack...the above
error likely indicates that the Quicktime.framework isn't being
included/linked...l8r, james
Dr Edward Kelly Research Assistant in Sonic Arts London College of Communication University of the Arts London
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