Le 2011-11-13 à 01:27:00, Stephen Lucas a écrit :
I've experienced some anomalies with dynamically creating objects into this much Y space, which at something like maybe 50000 pixels, I'm getting some sort of wraparound, which oddly enough, is wrapping back to 25000 or so pixels. After the wraparound point, there is no randomness.
Is it possible that it is after 32767 pixels, that it wraps around at -32768 pixels ?
Is there a maximum canvas size and does dynamic object creation beyond those limits have a predictable ramification?
AFAIK, each Tk widget has an associated X11 Window (under Linux), and each X11 Window has a size limit of 65536 pixels wide or high, and an offset limit of ±32768 pixels up/down/left/right relative to the top-left corner of the parent.
Without looking at the Tk source, I would conjecture that it does the same thing as X11 does, even on other platforms, for the simple reason that X11 was Tk's original display platform.
Is that right ?
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC