Dear all, puredata-0.48-1 is now in the PiCore repository! That's a binary build for tinycorelinux on Raspberry Pi. best, Thomas
-- Thomas Grill
Am 16.02.2018 um 23:58 schrieb Thomas Grill
Dear all, i have just submitted picore extension packages for pd-0.48-1 to the respective repertory. I hope i have met all the requirements, so that the package can become canonical very soon.
If you want to install them in the meantime, please grab the files from The manual installation procedure is the following:
Copy the package files from your local machine to the tinycore: scp $SOURCEDIR/puredata.tcz{,.dep,.md5.txt} tc@$TINYCOREIP:/etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/
then logon to the tinycore: ssh tc@$TINYCOREIP chown tc.staff /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/puredata.tcz* chmod 664 /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/puredata.tcz* echo puredata.tcz >> /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst
and reboot the tinycore
These are just the binary files needed to run pd. The doc/help files are in the puredata-doc.tcz package, the development header m_pd.h is in puredata-dev.tcz . To install those permanently, follow the procedure from above with changed package names.
best, Thomas
-- Thomas Grill
Am 15.02.2018 um 04:22 schrieb Dan Wilcox
Sweet, good to know. I think it would be good if the Pd distribution tarball was built this way so you don't need autoconf/autogen installed to build.
On Feb 15, 2018, at 4:20 AM, Chris McCormick wrote:
Hi Dan,
On 07/02/18 16:50, Dan Wilcox wrote:
Looks like an issue with autoconf of your system. If we used a dist tarball with pregenerated configure scripts, this probably wouldn't be an issue since then autoconf and automaker are not needed, just gcc and make.
I followed your instructions to build the dist tarball:
./ ./configure make dist
Then copied the tarball pd-0.48.1.tgz to the Raspberry Pi running Tiny Core Linux and ran:
./configure make
The resulting binary successfully runs a test tone Pd patch and outputs a sine wave to the audio jack.
Hope this helps!
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