Hello Enrike,
On 6/3/19 12:18 am, enrike wrote:
We need a chronometer that runs in sync in multiple devices at the same time.
SyncJams might work for you:
The algorithm it uses is tolerant of adverse network conditions. All devices run their own internal clock and the clocks converge on a consensus "current tick".
The algorithm is very simple: every device broadcasts its current tick over the network. If a device receives a tick which is higher & earlier than it expected it immediately resets its own clock to that new timing.
What this means in practice is the smallest (i.e. best) point-to-point ping time between any two participating patches is the closest that the clocks will get in sync. On a WiFi LAN this is generally on the order of 1 to 3 milliseconds which is close enough for most musical applications. In my experience devices converge on that value quite quickly after joining the network.
Here's a video of Chris Rice aggressively changing the BPM from which the devices manage to recover after a second or two:
Here are two Android devices syncing:
I've been planning to revisit the project to simplify it and port to Supercollider etc. for some time but who knows if I'll ever get around to that.