Yes, good to know that...
Is the solution for the problem of the cursor technically known and difficult to realize ?
في 2013/01/31، الساعة 7:05 م، كتب Hans-Christoph Steiner:
On 01/31/2013 10:29 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 2013-01-22 22:31, IOhannes zmölnig wrote:
if PdX already knows how to do that, my afforts were probably futile.
so i checked PdX and it turns out, that: - on linux, tcl/tk will output RTL-scripts as LTR; so the bidi-plugin is needed here, if you want arabic/hebrew texts to be displayed correctly. - on OSX, tcl/tk already has the bidirectional display built-in; so the bidi-plugin is not needed here - on other OSs i don't know.
the cursor will stay on the left side both on OSX and linux+bidi, which makes editing a little awkward, but that's how it currently is.
masdr IOhannes
PS: and stupid me went through hoops and loops to create fat (ppc/i386/x86_64) binaries of the auxiliary binaries for the bidi-plugin before checking! darn...
Ah, ok, Anas was also struggling to get the tcl fribidi built on his Mac OS X, so its good to know he doesn't need to any more.
Did you try Windows?
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