Ahhh perfect!
pd-$0-xy.pd was on the right track! (for some reason I figured it should be at the biggining as to not nessesitate makefilename!)
Thanks for the help.
Do you have a link to the document explaining the supported messages and receives? (for future reference!)
----- Original Message ----- From: David McCallum 8dngm@qlink.queensu.ca Date: Friday, May 9, 2003 9:43 pm Subject: Re: [PD] "vis 1" messages
Here I just fixed it for you and sent the changed
version. If you don't understand what's going on let me know.
Oh, I don't know what the "editmode" command that you
have in your patch is supposed to point to; I just pointed it to the graphics portion of the patch (which I've stuck in a subpatch). If you want it to apply to the processing portion of the patch you may want to further nest everything in a parent subpatch and have the editmode point to that parent. Once again, let me know if I'm not communicating this very well...
I've been doing a lot of abstraction work like this, so I
use this trick all the time. If it helps you should check out the abstractions I'm distributing on my site, they might provide other insights...
I see you've been talking to Matt ;), Chalmers hasn't
given me any indication of when they're going to accept me (why wouldn't they? :) So I wait with baited breath...
At 21:18 09/05/2003 -0400, bbogart@ryerson.ca wrote:
Hey David,
Its being sent from inside the abstraction.
I'm not sure about your suggestions, I can send the message to pd-
(where xy.pd is the filename of my abstraction) sending to the
makes all instances of the abstraction visible. What receive can
I send to
in order to only open the abstraction who receives the signal to
that message?
; pd-xy.pd vis 1
is my message
I tried $0-xy.pd vis 1 / pd-$0 vis 1 / pd-$0-xy.pd vis 1 / etc...
Here is my patch for clarification.
PS: When do you hear about getting into Chalmers?
. . David McCallum . Music wants to be free . http://mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/ .