Hi all—I've been trying to install Gridflow, but it doesn't work entirely yet. I added the /Library/Pd/gridflow and /Library/Pd/gridflow/abstractions paths but when I try to (for instance) make a #redim object, I get:
#redim ... couldn't create /Library/Pd/gridflow/gridflow.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Library/Pd/gridflow/gridflow.pd_darwin, 10): Library not loaded: @executable_path/../../lib/libpng12.0.dylib Referenced from: /Library/Pd/gridflow/gridflow.pd_darwin Reason: image not found [import]: can't load library in 'gridflow'
and if I try to make (for instance) a #many object, I get a whole ton of ...couldn't creates but without further information.
Am I doing something wrong? —t3db0t