This should work since 0.39, but as always with data structures: This is an area that's changing a lot with every new Miller-Pd so I'd recommend to use 0.40 instead. With that, you can [set] and [get] symbol fields as shown in attached patch. Setting them on creation with [append] doesn't seem to work yet, however, at least I couldn't make it work.
thanks, it works fine on the latest version of pd-ext. I guess (I hope)
that the next step would be implementing the symbols in [append], so that
an extra [set -symbol] must not be used. Is Mr. Miller on the house? :)
one more question though: I tried to apply the [get] help patch in my
patch, but it didn't work. in the following picture, when I press traverse
pd breaks up. on the other hand, like in your patch connecting directly
[append] to the get pointer (through the inlet which is now disconnected)
it works when the structures are created, but I can't make it work after