Thanks for the replies. I will comment on some quotes below:
Op 09-03-11 03:40, William Brent schreef:
OSCulator is really fantastic, yes. In this case though, I think it's easier to keep things streamlined and route everything in Pd. I didn't think of it until your reply, Richie, but I made this abstraction for touchOSC's "simple" layout. Just invoke it with a port number [ipad-interface 8000] and you'll get all the parsed data flowing to well-named sends. For instance, to get the data from fader 4 on page 1 of the simple layout, you can receive from [r ipad-8000-p1-fader4]. Comb through the rest of the patch to see how other sends are named.
SVN-folder although I haven't used it in PD yet) and try your patch.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 9:31 PM, Richie wrote:
My problem with TouchOSC was getting it to see my laptop. I haven't been able to set up a network with just the laptop and TouchOSC (though I haven't tried for a while) this is supposed to work though. As far as using OSC in Pd check out the mrpeach library. It is awesome. I'm sure it's possible to get the OSC data to come straight into Pd but in regards to getting those messages all nice and neat and easy I recommend OSCulator (I have no connection to guy making it, I just like it). It's third party software. Very easy to use and works very well. It's OSX only. I've used OSCulator for wiimotes and wacom tablets... I'm not really using OSC at the moment, so I haven't had a chance to give TouchOSC a good going over yet, but OSCulator does support TouchOSC. Hope that helps.
library-installation... I don't know how but now I know that it's not part of the normal extended because when I try to reproduce Richies patch PD prints "...couldn't create".
I have also downloaded and will buy OSCulator and got it up and running, I got it to control iTunes via Applescript (Apples native Remote app has issues here) and QLab. I also got LiveControl running to control ... Ableton Live.
My first attempt with TouchOSC and PD got a good connection too as print was working overtime with the xyz-axis. This was via direct connection via UDP from iPhone to PD. The hostname is mycomputer.local and I used outgoing port 8000.
On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Wilfred de wrote:
I have recently purchased TouchOSC on the iPhone and have succesfully controlled Ableton Live with LiveControl and iTunes and other programs with OSCulator (AppleScript).
When I try the PD-examples from I have no succes. When I want to open the .pd file with the most recent version of PD extended (0.42.5) I get the old watch and nothing happpens. This is also the case with older PD's I use.
I got the 'basic.pd' up and running before I installed one of the other programs (LiveControl or OSCulator or TouchOSC Editor) but cannot remember which one.
I know that the .pd files have a prefilled [OSCreceive] (don't remember the correct syntax) with port 8000. OSCulator has a default port of 8000 as well. So I tried a cold boot and did not start up any other program than PD. Even this did not help.
Could this be the problem?
Are there more people working with TouchOSC and PD? Can someone help me trying to make a new OSCreceive from scratch with the correct syntax?
System specs: iOS4.2.1 on iPhone 3G - OS X 10.6.6 on late 2008 15" MBP. All software is up to date.
Thanks in advance!