On Thu, 2018-12-13 at 15:09 +0100, Peter P. wrote:
- Roman Haefeli reduzent@gmail.com [2018-12-13 13:52]:
On Thu, 2018-12-13 at 13:21 +0100, Peter P. wrote:
- Roman Haefeli reduzent@gmail.com [2018-12-13 11:58]:
Hey all
I once read about a simple and robust way to perform latency measurements with an audio signal.
Explained in a few words, the test signal consists of a sweeping sine tone. The return signal ring-modulates the source signal and the resulting signal consists of two frequencies, the sum ( f_src+f_ret ) and difference ( f_src - f_ret), while the lower frequency is proportional to the latency and can be detected quite easily with with e.g. [sigmund~].
I have troubles finding the name of this algorithm and don't remember the original source. I would like to read more about it and correctly attribute the original author / inventor.
See jack_delay on https://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/
That's a different algorithm and probably much more precise. The one I'm looking for is simpler (and I'd probably know how to implement it in Pd).
What about 7.stuff/tools/latency.pd?
Cool, the collection of algorithms is growing :-)
This is again a different approach. The test signal is a pulse and the patch measures time between sending and receiving the click. The cool thing is it's done in a way that doesn't need any "magic" objects like [sigmund].
However, it's still not the one I was describing earlier.