I'm open to suggestions as to how to et it to work on windows though! (maybe there's an open source pipe implementation somewhere, or maybe I should hack up a shared memory version?)
cheers Miller
On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 03:39:49AM -0700, saint wrote:
Ok that's a shame. Cheers for the reply Iohannes.
--- On Mon, 7/6/10, IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
From: IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] Pd~ object under windows - 'can't create' To: "saint" saintidle@yahoo.com Cc: "pd list" pd-list@iem.at Date: Monday, 7 June, 2010, 8:55 On 2010-06-05 18:13, saint wrote:
I'm using Pd vanilla version 0.42-5 under windows xp.
I'd like to try out the pd~ object to try and max out both cores of my Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 whilst using a heavy patch (lots of bsaylor's partconv~'s)...
I can't get pd~ to load - it always comes up 'can't
create'. Nor will it work in when I open the help patch for the pd~ object.
Is there something I'm missing? I've noticed that
there's no 'pd~.dll' in the pd~ folder. But surely it should run straight with what's downloadable from Miller's site?
no. pd~ uses as pipes for communicating between the parent process and the embedded pd, which are not available on w32.
mghsdf IOhannes
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