I think min Tk version for macOS and tabs should be 8.6.10 or 11. We may possible also need an os version check, hopefully not.
The main thing to avoid is if anyone runs an older Tk 8.6, especially the buggy one that used to be included with macOS itself.
Dan Wilcox danomatika.com robotcowboy.com
On Jun 21, 2023, at 12:38 PM, Dan Wilcox danomatika@gmail.com wrote:
I agree. Tabs should default unless a min version check on the platform fails. The original suggestion for making the option to still host dialogs in windows was mine, I believe, large for this reason, ie. building for OS X 10.6 and Tk 8.4 which doesn’t have the tabs widget.
enohp ym morf tnes
Dan Wilcox danomatika.com robotcowboy.com
On Jun 21, 2023, at 12:07 PM, Christof Ressi info@christofressi.com wrote:
basically, because some TclTk versions on macOS would just crash when using tabs.
Wow, Tk never ceases to amaze me...
Does this also happen with the Tcl/Tk version that is included in the "official" macOS app bundle?
Could we do a runtime check for specific Tcl/Tk versions that are known to work?
I think the tabbed preferences are just so nice and it would be shame to hide them from the user by default...
(At the very least, we should use tabbed preference by default on Windows and Linux :-)
On 21.06.2023 00:07, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 6/20/23 20:35, Christof Ressi wrote: First off: thanks Miller for this historic release :-)
I just discovered the new tabbed preferences and I really like them! Thanks IOhannes!
Question: why do we have both tabbed and non-tabbed preferences? This feels very weird to me. I don't see any advantages in the non-tabbed preferences... (I find them rather grotesque).
basically, because some TclTk versions on macOS would just crash when using tabs. so I needed a fallback for this case anyhow (that, albeit grotesque, is still somewhat useable)
gmds IOhannes
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