Le lundi 28 février 2011 à 14:27 +0100, cyrille henry a écrit :
Le 28/02/2011 11:41, Jack a écrit :
It would be nice to have a second outlet on [pmpd], [pmpd2d] and [pmpd3d] like on MSD objects.
it's not very complex, but i'm really wondering why one would need it. i'll make it if you convince me that it's usefull.
Yep :) It is useful because you can see in the console the masses created with their id and links created between two masses with their id. So it is useful to debug.
The 54_pmpd_wave.pd example doesn't work here. [pmpd] seems to have a problem.
i correct a problem after the official annonce. could you make sur you have the last version (svn update) thanks and tell me if that solve the pb.
It seems it doesn't solve the problem because i compiled pmpd today (sources from svn) : $ svn up À la révision 14977.
Do test and interaction objects work with [pmpd], [pmpd2d] and [pmpd3d] masses ?
from a technical point of view, they could be working. but pmpd* are really MSD* clone. and the philosophies is a bit different.
you can very easilly make 100 connections. that should replace interactor objects.
I tried to make a segment (like [iSeg]) of several masses in the past but it was not a good solution. I guess the best solution is to test position of each mass and then add force on it.
but yes, pmpd have a wider range of interactor shape, so it may be interesting someday to make them work.
Would be nice ! ++
++ c
Le jeudi 24 février 2011 à 19:04 +0100, cyrille henry a écrit :
hello, i've made a new pmpd version. There is 3 new objects : pmpd, pmpd2d and pmpd3d. this 3 objects should replace MSD. most of the time, they are compatible. there is few differences anyway :
- few messages get renamed (both on input or output)
- there is a difference on the calculation of tLink Damping
- there is now a damping associate with each masses
- there are more messages to get simulation data
I encourage anyone to switch from MSD to pmpd, since MSD will not be maintained.
help / examples / sources can be found on pd svn.
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