I don't understand. I've understood recursive to mean a function that calls itself within itself. The output from my patch retriggers the patch, but to my understanding it should all be determinate; if Pd uses depth-first message passing, it should finish with one thread before calling the next. The abstraction is only retriggered from its left outlet, so nothing should happen during the 10 ms delay.
I'm also not sure how [until] will help. Pd doesn't know how many scalars the score has, or how many are of any one structure.
I'm still not clear on what "the stack" is or what makes it overflow. Thanks.
in pd every outlet call is a recursive function call ... if an message goes back to the message signal flow, you have an iteration ...
i've attached a simple patch with a counter counting to 100 ... this might show you the difference ...
hth ... tim
-- TimBlechmann@gmx.de ICQ: 96771783 http://www.mokabar.tk
Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness Samuel Beckett