Le 26/01/2024 à 23:35, Alexandre Torres Porres a écrit : ...
by the way, Ben says there's a new pmpd version not up in deken yet, is that it? When can we have it if so?
I'm working in a new pmpd version that include the new pmpd2d~ and pmpd3d~. Nothing important change for the rest. pmpd source are on my github :
They use the simple native Spring class for it, and I've been having my eye on that one, maybe one day including Spring and Ball/TBall into ELSE as well (spring~ and ball~?), cause it also seems like a fun thing to control several things in a patch.
You will face problem with spring~ and ball~ because of buffers, you better go for spring and ball. and since a spring should also include damping element, let's call it "link". And the ball have a null radius, they usually are called "mass" in the physical modelling world. (I don't know why SC try to be original and change the naming convention usually used) So, this look a lot like pmpd, and after working with if for more than 20 years, I can confirm that this is very fun!
Now let me see if I can get the main principal, is it like you have wave table points that move according to spring like motions when excited and evolving through time?
it's the masses that move! if you want to understand more, look at : http://www.chnry.net/ch/IMG/pdf/-2.pdf
cheers c
thanks cheers