Thanks for the information. I'd rather not put all of my samples in the pd path, so I guess I'll have to keep the soundfiler object outside of the abstraction, in the parent patch.
On Wednesday 24 March 2004 11:54 pm, marius schebella wrote:
hi, I also messed around with that directory stuff for a long time, but here is my state of the art answer: usually the working directory, is that directory from where you start pd. and it has nothing to do with the abstractions directory or the directory where the pd binaries are located. BUT if you start pd with a patch argument, than the directory of the patch is the working directory... paths in your patch are always relative to the working directory. so your parents patch directory will not help you much. anyway, if you use the -path flag with the path to your soundsamples all samples should be found just by name. if you still want to handle directory stuff one possible way is to use a py/pyext object. marius.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ben Saylor" To: Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:29 PM Subject: [PD] get path of parent patch
Is it possible for an abstraction to get the path of the parent patch? I have an abstraction called sample.pd that takes the name of a soundfile to load as an argument, and I would like it to look for the soundfile in the parent patch's directory, rather than my abstractions directory.
Thanks, Ben
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