hey sebi - is this the one using WebAudio and not sink.js? also do you have [lop~ ] and [tabread4~] and the others you mentioned on the roadmap implemented?
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 1:28 PM, s p sebpiq@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Jamie,
The audio is not streamed to the browser! WebPd is an implementation of Pure Data in JavaScript, so the browser itself produces the sound (link here : https://github.com/sebpiq/WebPd) . Since a couple of years, thanks to a new standard called Web Audio API, it is pretty easy to achieve in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. The performance is actually surprisingly good!!!
The graph editor project is called "dataflow" and is made by Forrest Oliphant, link here : https://github.com/meemoo/dataflow It is all JavaScript as well.
2013/3/4 Jamie Bullock jamie@jamiebullock.com
On 1 Mar 2013, at 15:34, s p sebpiq@gmail.com wrote:
Actually I've had a crappy demo of patching in the browser running for
quite a while now : http://funktion.fm/webpd/demos/simple-gui/simple-gui.html
It works (not so well in Firefox, but in chromium it's fine).
Wow! That's impressive, when I saw this thread I was just expecting a patcher, but you've actually got audio streaming back to the browser. How are you achieving that?
A friend of mine is developing a generic graph editor for dataflow
programming, and I've been planning to migrate to this forever now, but didn't have the time ...
Do you have a link to that project?
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