Thanks Yury and ba for replies. This is what I meant by kludging it with doesn't seem too great a way of doing it, in my opinion, when the data is already stored in the delay line. Adding a 'freeze' (or 'stop' or whatever) method would be much more efficient and elegant and it does not break anything using delay lines already. Using the method below is essentially implementing a circular buffer like a delay line... which can also be frozen. I just think it would be nicer to do this using the proper built-in delay lines. It was just an idea anyway...
--- Yury wrote: > Hello Stefan and list,
Tuesday, July 27, 2004, 10:59:36 PM, you wrote:
ST> You are talking about freezing ST> the reading, and as you say this is quite easy. I am ST> talking about freezing the _writing_.
you may write your signal to an array with [phasor] and freeze the recording process by sending it a zero-signal. To unfreeze the process (and continue from the point you get stopped) send the previous frequency value to a [phasor].
-- Best regs, Yury
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