but then we would have a list that wouldn't actually get read by the people who know how to answer the questions. and we would spend most of the time directing people from list list to the 'newbie' list, instead of just helping them out.
this isn't a particularly high volume list, so just ask away.
if it makes you feel less self conscious, put 'dumb question' in the subject line ;)
On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 12:16:29PM +0100, Ivan Pope wrote:
I wonder whether there is a PD list for beginners, or whether anyone would like to start one? I feel a bit overwhelmed by the level of this list, I want to ask some stupid questions. Cheers, Ivan
Ivan Pope ivan@ivanpope.com http://ivanpope.com
Absent WithOut Leave: My life as an artist http://blog.ivanpope.com
The Man Who Invented The Internet http://blog.themanwhoinventedtheinternet.com
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