Hallo, marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:
The gui has to be a mixture of both, 1) providing style options for programmers who want to make use of it and 2) the possibility to view patches also in old "text-only" black and white style for users that are distracted by too much new technology and design. I think it is similar to web browsing. If you don't want style-sheets you always can use lynx. For Pd to finally become a tool that can be used to create instruments that will be shared, I see no other possibilty than to go with some enhancements. I don't see any movement from Miller into that direction (to conjure up style features), I simply think, there is no possibilty to get additional style information into patches. that given, the "enhancements" are limited anyway. Maybe someone has to come up with an alternative objectbox-style that provides all the style settings. (like number2 or comment from cyclone). or maybe it is possible to create a wrapper object that does the same like any objectclass itself, but with additional layout-information. But, who is willing and able to do the work? ... So all that talk is going 'poof'. You want to create a patch to share? Use something different for the interface and run pd -nogui.
Maybe I'm missing something fundamental but I don't see how what you just wrote is related to my previous mail where I wrote:
As I wrote in my mail, I don't think using command line options in this fashion is a good idea. It's not maintainable. It forces people to choose either A or B, when they actually want 1.2635 or 9.3463
If you read this: I only proposed to not hardcode enhancements, but leave room for more enhancements by managing the enhancements in a more flexible way (which isn't even a very advanced way. For an advanced way see DesireData.)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__