On Mon, 2016-11-07 at 17:49 +0100, patrice colet wrote:
this is quite interesting but there is something I don't get in attached patch, both 1 and -1 outputs the same thing, so I don't know if I've misinterpreted something or if there is a mistake in message computing
No, you're right. The message based reference is already wrapping over. I added a [clip -32768 32767] to avoid that.
See attachment.
Le 07/11/2016 à 16:24, Roman Haefeli a écrit :
Hi all
In order to store audio data more efficiently in netpd presets and also to transmit live audio through OSC, I'm thinking of ways to convert an signal to a 16-bit stream represented as two signals, one for each byte, the first for MSB and the second for LSB. I already came up with a few solutions, but I'm not totally happy with any of them because they are not very efficient or/and have strange edge cases. It turns out what seems a simple task is a bit more complex and probably has quiet a few totally different solutions.
I would be interested to see with what solutions people come up with. Consider it a puzzle, a brain teaser (in case you're done writing your paper for pdcon and need some distraction).
Requirements: * It must be done in signal domain (I was doing it in message domain yet, but performance is obviously bad) * Only vanilla objects are allowed. * Input is in the range -1 to 1. Input outside this range should be clipped and not wrapped around. * Output is two signals, each consisting of an integer value between 0 and 255 * The two bytes represent a 16-bit _signed_ integer
You can compare your output with the message version in attached patch. If this generates interest and makes some people participate, I'll disclose my solutions after people submitted their solutions.
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