hello there,
i am working on a pd patch for panning sound on a multispeaker setting using a usb-joystick. i am using the xjimmies library for dealing with the spatialsation. i also use the hid object joystick to the values on the x and y axis. currently i am struggling with the maths of it all.
more in detail this means that the xjimmies library gives me the opportunity to controll the sound distribution on a horizontal slider. the slider outputs the values 0-360, representing the degress of a circle. my difficulties is how to match up the x and y output values of the joystick. my approach is to use angle the beween the x and the y axis, sending both values to an atan2 object. before that i extend their range from 0...1 to -1..1 i understand that atan2 outputs radiants and not degrees. if i divide atan2's output by pi and then multiply it with 180 the results are not at all, what i imagine them to be,. all i am trying to achieve is to translate the circular motion on the joystick into space.. any ideas what i am doing wrong ? (i apologize for not putting the objects in brackets, these dont live on my keyboard)
best regards
alexandre r. decoupigny