Hallo, Frank Barknecht hat gesagt: // Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, hard off hat gesagt: // hard off wrote:
frank, that does sound like a source of this error. i think the problem is though, that the sssad abstraction is now included in pd-extended. so the included version would need to be modified in order for it to work.
pd-extended could rename the path it's installing sssad.pd in, but that would break old patches using the "sssad/sssad" name to specify the object. Renaming sssad.pd would break even more patches.
IMO the libdir loader or whatever is doing the recursive loading has to be modified.
As a workaround for now I would recommend to add extra/sssad to your Pd search path in the traditional way: "-path .../extra/sssad" and then use [sssad] as object name. (I don't think, much is gained by having to include a prefix like "sssad/" to a library that just includes a single classname anyway.)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__