I'm on winxp, and I wonder if anyone else has run into the following
After working on a lot of different patches in pd-ext, and opening multiple
patches at a time (say 18 at a time), there comes a point after about 20
minutes or so when I'm working in a patch and all the mouse bindings
get wacky. For example, I might click the "x" on a window to close it, and
instead of closing the window I get a number box hanging from the mouse.
Or maybe I go to click "File->Save" and it brings up the audio settings.
In fact, the only way I can get out of Pd at that point is to open the
task manager and kill the wish84.exe.
This doesn't happen every time I use Pd. If I'm working a lot in a day, it might happen once or maybe twice. I've never had anything like this happen in another program so I don't think it's my hardware.
Any ideas?