Apologies for --x-- posting
Dear Pd community,
We are delighted to announce a port of P.A. Tremblay's Max/MSP class [ipoke~] into Pure Data by Katja Vetter.
ipoke~ v.3 is a variable speed buffer writer with linear interpolation.
Zipfile contains source, makefile, binaries for Linux32 & 64, Windows32 and an OSX fat binary (ppc7400, i386, x86_64). Also includes various test patches and comparisons with cyclone's [poke~].
Please see README.txt for further info.
This is an early beta release so please test and share your experience.
Special thanks to P.A. Tremblay for making this happen.
Pd ipoke~ is released under a 3-clause BSD license.
Pd port by Katja Vetter August 2012, with assistance from Matt Barber, Julian Brooks, Alexander Harker, Charles Henry and P.A. Tremblay.