On Wed, 2007-05-30 at 12:29 -0500, Kyle Klipowicz wrote:
I guess I think that the best approach is to give them Pd-extended, but only show the vanilla objects and documentation first. Then, after they are proficient with the basics, blow their minds with Gem, hid, Pduino, list-abs, rtc-lib, rradical, etc.
why not show them pduino, list-abs, rtc-lib, rradical from the beginning? to stick with the [list prepend]-[route] vs. [demux] example: the problem here is, that [demux] is an external, which doesn't give you an idea, how things could be done otherwise (without specialized objects). if [demux] would be substituted by an abstraction made of [list prepend]-[route], you could have an insight, how things are done. in other words, i think, there is no drawback in using abstractions from the beginning, but maybe there is one with externals.
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