Am 2. Juni 2024 02:19:46 MESZ schrieb Benjamin Wesch
this is new to me, i admit - but hoping that i did it correctly, i now get: 2fe920f88abb814fc89719a617ce48d63a3eae3a is the first bad commit
Thanks a lot for finding this! For whatever reasons, an application is obviously not allowed to read its own metainfo without penalty. I might be able to submit a fix for this in the evening (now it's early morning here) If somebody is faster, then please do not just revert the bad commit, but instead just replace the dynamic reading of ::pd_guiprefs::domain in to
set ::pd_guiprefs::domain org.puredata.pd.pd-gui
(or probably just remove the lines 72-76, as this *should* be handled by fallbacks; I'm currently afk so my view is a bit narrow)
mfg.sfg.jfd IOhannes