On Sam, 2017-09-23 at 22:53 +0200, Dan Wilcox wrote:
For those of you experiencing issues with object sizing problems with Pd 0.48, I might have a fix:
There is a test build for newer macs you can try out. It fixes the wide float and symbol atoms as well as introduces a few things of the old Pd-extended, including the extended font metrics. I increased the object vertical margins slightly due to the somewhat tighter spacing from the metrics and am satisfied the boxes are not too small which was my main issue with the changing the metrics alone. Feedback on this would be helpful, especially from those of you on Linux and Windows.
This is meant as a bug fix for 0.48-1, so no bells and whistles, but my more complex GUIs now render in GOP again.
Ah, good to know you, or rather your patches, are affected, too :-)
Your changes look beautiful in my eyes. Symbol and float atom are still one pixel less tall than object and message boxes, but I don't know if you actually intended to make them the same. Box width is the same as it was in 0.47/macOS 0.46/Ubuntu 14.04, at least for font size 10.
Attached is a screenshot of the bugfix/metrics-sizing branch compiled on macOS 10.11 (Tk 8.6.7) and Ubuntu 16.04 (Tk 8.6.5). Boxes do have the same dimensions on each platform.
Thanks for your work!