Didn’t take much code to change, really. I’ll check again about focus highlight on buttons since, on OSX at least, you can toggle buttons with the spacebar but you can’t tell which one you’re on.
I’ve also been playing around with cleaning up the iemgui dialog. I added tooltips to the parameter buttons since I never remember what they do exactly. (Can’t catch those in a screenshot since the window loses focus to the OS and the tooltips disappear.) A deeper update is to remove sending headers from C and just send a iemgui type string aka “tgl”, “cnv”, etc which can then be used to decide on widget generation aka sliders take 2 dimensions and tgl on 1. That would make the code creating the widgets for the Dimensions, Range, and Parameter frames more readable too. For now, I’ll just use the mainheader string to try it out.
Anyway, time for bed. I’ll throw up what I’ve done into a branch on the pure-data Github repo for easy perusal and patch generation.
(Also thank the University of Denver and it’s quarter system for a good chunk of research time right now. :D)
Dan Wilcox @danomatika https://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.com http://danomatika.com/ robotcowboy.com http://robotcowboy.com/
On Dec 4, 2015, at 3:27 AM, Simon Iten itensimon@gmail.com wrote:
this should be default on all platforms :-)
On 04 Dec 2015, at 09:55, Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com mailto:danomatika@gmail.com> wrote:
I think I’ve basically got it working well for dialog_gatom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZCjgIFMc9g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZCjgIFMc9g
The entry widgets now unbind the enter key from closing the dialog when they receive focus and then rebind it after they lose it. This allows for editing and tabbing through all the entry boxes. Also, I enabled activation of the OK button when the dialog box will close on Enter to make this interchange much more obvious. Consequently, I removed the Cancel button form the focus list since it’s activated on the Escape key anyway (and OSX does keyboard button pressed via Spacebar anyway).
Dan Wilcox @danomatika https://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.com http://danomatika.com/ robotcowboy.com http://robotcowboy.com/
On Dec 3, 2015, at 4:58 PM, Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com mailto:danomatika@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok, I have it working in the canvas dialog.
I basically unbind KeyPress_Enter from closing the dialog and then bind ::dialog_canvas::apply to Return in all the entry boxes as well as the equivalent to the checkbuttons. This is only enabled for OSX, so other platforms are untouched.
It’s pretty nice, actually, since you can just tab to things and make updates with the keyboard only. One issue is that the buttons curreently don’t display a focus highlight. I’ll look into that and updating the other dialogs.
Dan Wilcox @danomatika https://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.com http://danomatika.com/ robotcowboy.com http://robotcowboy.com/
On Dec 3, 2015, at 2:03 PM, Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com mailto:danomatika@gmail.com> wrote:
“switch to linux” … real helpful :P
I brought this up recently on pd-dev: http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-dev/2015-11/020478.html http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-dev/2015-11/020478.html
The curent situation is a bit half-way as the button was removed to match the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (aka persistent changes are saved by default, hence no “Apply” button). The problem is that updates are not applied until *after* the dialog is closed. This means making small GOP changes, for instance, is a pain in the ass since you have to keep opening and closing the dialog. IMO this works *against* the HIG as is far worse than simply having a button.
There are two solutions:
simply bring back the Apply button on OSX, I did this on my version of Vanilla by commenting out some if statements in the tcl code
add apply code in the tcl to update the canvas/gui object whenever changes are applied to any text box in the dialog
I’ll look into option 2 as it’s really the best solution.
Dan Wilcox @danomatika https://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.com http://danomatika.com/ robotcowboy.com http://robotcowboy.com/
On Dec 3, 2015, at 10:11 AM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at mailto:pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:
From: IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoelnig@iem.at mailto:zmoelnig@iem.at> Date: December 3, 2015 at 4:57:04 AM MST To: pd-list@lists.iem.at mailto:pd-list@lists.iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] Apply button missing from properties in 0.46.7
On 2015-12-03 12:41, Si Mills wrote:
Is the omission of the Apply btn in the properties dialogues (present in Pd-extended) a feature of latest vanilla build or a bug?
a feature¹.
http://lists.puredata.info/namazu/pd-list/namazu.cgi?query=apply+button http://lists.puredata.info/namazu/pd-list/namazu.cgi?query=apply+button
gsdfmt IOhannes
¹ that should go away. in the meantime you could switch to linux where there *is* an apply button.
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