Hello list,
I have two questions concerning the behaviour of GoP abstractions that are nested in subpatches.
What's the behaviour of GUI objects that are not visible because they are in subpatches? Are they updated anyway and use computation time for this? Or from the practical point of view: Do I have to accept a performance penalty if I use a GoP abstraction although I don't need the GoP visual feedback? The point is that I have a few GoP abstractions that I sometimes would like to use without needing the GoP feature (because they are located in invisible subpatches). I wouldn't like to duplicate the code to have two versions of the abstraction (one GoP and one without). If I then have an abstraction with a rather heavy GUI load (but not visible), would that have impact on the performance of the patch?
Is it impossible to nest GoP abstractions? I tried to place a GoP abstraction in the GoP area of a subpatch. When the subpatch is closed I can see the abstraction as an object with its in- and outlets and correct size but without the GUI objects of the abstraction. Did I miss something? Is this by design? Is this a fault?
Thanks for any hints Urs