Quoting Martin Dupras martin.dupras@uwe.ac.uk:
I'm trying to read text from textfiles in pd and display sentences with the text object in gem. However, I am having a few problems.
I'm reading sentences with textefile, which works well. I read lines in the textfile one by one, which I want to send as lists to the text3d object. What comes out of the textfile object is something like:
"list the dog is asleep"
which I need to convert to:
"text the dog is asleep"
How do I do that in pd?
You can try the IEMlib prepend object and do a [prepend text]. There are Linux source and binaries on the iem site. Also, there is an OSX binary from Adam Lindsay (sorry I don't have the link handy), and there may be a Win32 binary floating out there somewhere... Now you have to remove the first 'list' part, which might be possible to do using the select object.
Hope this helps a bit.
Two corollary questions:
- is there an escape character that can be used in the message object,
or otherwise a way to store the "space" character in a text object as a list element?
- is there a way to count the number of elements in a list?
- martin