Max Neupert wrote:
Maybe the solution would be some debian packages from the autobuild farm.
Yes, debian packages!
so what you suggest for a successfull pd installation on a ubuntu machine is to download this:
and then run
tar xjf pd-2006-12-04-linux-debian-stable-i386-i686.tar.bz2 cd pd-2006-12-04-linux-debian-stable-i386-i686 make install prefix=/usr/local
and then it should run with Gem like ./pd -lib Gem
no. a .tgz build on a debian-machine is not a debian package. a debian-package is a .deb file which holds the content of the tgz PLUS some meta information (like dependencies!). you manually install it via dpkg. more often you (de)install it via apt-get, aptitude or synaptics.
mfga.sdr IOhannes