S'està citant marius schebella marius.schebella@gmail.com:
lluisgomez@hangar.org wrote:
please, can post what versions of (gem and pd) are you using?
I am using cvs version from 04/16. do you want me to put it online?
no thanks, just to know ...
1.- strange behavior in pix_opencv_haarcascade, it uses the same
code as pdp_opencv_haarcascade but it doesn?t show the same result.
I already tested it and it was not a bug. it works quite well here.
I have not tested pdp_opencv yet, yesterday I only looked at pix_opencv, I tried to compile pdp_opencv, but again, get errors.
it will be more dificult to compile pdp_opencv in macosx than
pix_opencv ... but we are doing this in another thread (out of the pd
list) I will post when we success ...
2.- pix_opencv_contours_boundingrect works only in RGBA pixes?
hmm, yes, when I try it with pix_grey, pd crashes. marius.
also we founs another bug with Jack, pix_opencv_contours_boundingrect
:: the data outlet don't increment the number of the detected contour,
so it gives incorrect info. attached is the correct
ix_opencv_contours_boundingrect.cpp . I will overwrite it in the
online package soon...
follow ...
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