This should work... you can feed Pd a command line option "-guicmd" to set how Pd will start the GUI up, which could use rsh to start up on another machine, or even set the DISPLAY variable. In either case Gem's window should start up on the machine Pd is running on.
I got this working once but I have another problem, which is that I don;t have a good way of sizing and positioning the Gem window to cover all of the display. Should be easy, but it didn't just work instantly when I tried it.
cheers Miller
my current thought is to have the pd interface on another machine using the new gui options... i dont know if this is a possibility tho (i havent tried it yet)... also if it did work, would the gem window open up on the machine running pd or on the machine running pd-gui (i'm hoping it would open on the machine running pd).