Thomas Sivertsen wrote:
cyrille henry wrote:
[symbol /home/thomas/qt/] | [read $1 < |
Aha! Thanks a lot! I will try this when I get back to my other laptop...
But I'm still wondering about the string-thing. Like, how to divide "symbol /home/thomas/qt/" into separate outlets by space and "/". Anybody know a quickie?
don't know exactly what you need. the first part of the message (e.g.: "symbol" or "read") is "special" as it defines the content of the rest of the list (it is a so called "selector" while the rest is a list of "atom"s)
spaces are used to separate atoms from each other. to get individual atoms out of a list, either use [unpack] or [$2(, [$3(,... (note that you cannot get the selector with [$0( or whatever)
to parse a symbol like "/home/thomas/qt/" into a list "home thomas qt" you could use [s2l] (zexy) IOhannes