This is a basic question, I know, but I can't find if it's definitively documented anywhere:
Clearly the dollar-sign substitution works in an abstraction such as
[something $1-foo $2-bar(
instantiating myabs like this...
[myabs 1 2(
... will instantiate "something" with the arguments "1-foo" and "2-bar". Ok, so what if the values I really want to instantiate "something" with are "foo-1" and "bar-2"? This....
[something foo-$1 bar-$2(
... doesn't seem to work - or does it? I seem to remember reading somewhere that dollarsign substitutions like that only work at the beginning of values - but can't find where I read that.
So if this is the case, has anyone come up with any clever way of hacking around it, so that I *can* do what I'm talking about here?
Thanks, and sorry if this is documented somewhere, I just can't find it...