Hello all, I have a few questions and requests:
external capable of running mp3s backward?
I am a c++ newbie and I have been trying for some time now to create a mp3proxy type based object based on code from d_soundfile(threaded readsf~), readanysf~,tabread4~, libMad(mp3 decode library) and mp3play~ but I have been unsuccessful.
What I want(and need) is an object that translates a complete Mp3 into Pure-data compatible samples stored in the object (so a 3MB mp3 would fill up around 32Mb of sample data in an array inside of the object). Now the advantage of this aproach is that the data could be accessed as tabread4~ accesses array data (fast-forward, rewing would all be accessed by sendind a signal of index values). The disadvange is the loading time (around 10 secs on a fast computer, that's why it needs to be threaded).
I imagine the inputs would be a signal (for the indexes) and a method for the "open" command.The outputs would be 2 signal outs (left and right sound data) and a bang indicating the file is processed.
So, I need help. I think I have collected the necessary code and libraries, it just needs to be put together.
Tom O F iamonthebeach@hotmail.com