I'm now quite confused about the purpose and direction of DesireData. When Chun made his presentation at FAVE last year I was very excited. The idea of forking the pd-gui to make a much improved interface that could be used with Pd seemed wonderful, sensible, and needed. Several people asked the question "Is this new interface compatible with the existing Pd?", and the answer was an unqualified "yes".
I've always seen it as a smart move, taking advantage of Millers forsight in designing Pd as a client-server architecture and using that decoupling to improve the interface. I don't even understand why anyone is talking about changing object behaviours, those are part of the server/engine not the interface surely?
Is DesireData heading in the direction of being a completely different piece of software incompatible with PureData?
Will I still be able to install the DesireData interface and use it with Pd?
Why are these great new objects like [tracecall] that Mathieu is building not being added to Pd?
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 14:20:24 -0400 (EDT) Mathieu Bouchard matju@artengine.ca wrote:
On Sat, 21 Jul 2007, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I was hoping that compatibilty as a goal would be a two-way compatibility: Patches, that were developed on DD would also be running on MSP-Pd, minus some features like faster graphics or special objects like [tracecall] (which would only be like a missing external).
missing functionality is missing functionality. It can be missing classes, missing methods, it can be nonsense output such as empty symbols, it's still missing functionality. I don't know why the addition of any classes like [tracecall] [parse] [unparse] [unpost] etc. would be exempt from your two-way requirement.
I think that the argument we're having, boils down to whether the type-checking is a real feature of [unpack].
So I conclude that your compatibility is a one-way street, which I think is a pity.
Sorry, why does it have to be two-way?... I think that it's a pity that you're asking for two-way.
I just find the disappearing or changing meaning of "0" confusing.
What have you ever used that meaning for?
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada