Is there any way to change the order in which the objects are evaluated other than deleting the too early one and inserting it again? For the kind of work that I am doing that would couse havoc in most of the cases. Apart from that I find it very inconvinient, that the program does not give any imformation on that important matter. (hope I did not overlook some important feature here)
It may not be the best solution either, but MaxMSP does it in a right to left order regarding the x coordinates of the objects. That way one immediately knows the order of execution. The drawback is, that with complicated patches editing (moving around objects) often destroys this order irreversibly. I think hiding the ordering number inside a property dialog is still to incommodious. One solution could be to have a special editing mode where the order is indicated by numbers (or colors?) upon the objects for each branching of cords.