Whoa, you beat me to it! I've been meaning to get around to this for some time now! I'll check it out when I get back to UK.
Congratulations and happy xmas, Ed
Metastudio 3 for Pure Data - Free download at: http://sharktracks.co.uk/puredata
--- On Wed, 16/12/09, William Brent william.brent@gmail.com wrote:
From: William Brent william.brent@gmail.com Subject: Re: [PD] Vowel identification To: "Andy Farnell" padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk Cc: pd-list@iem.at Date: Wednesday, 16 December, 2009, 5:20 Thanks for the feedback Andy. Let me know if you use it for anything in the near future and if you find any of the inevitable bugs.
Here's a demo of an upcoming addition to the examples package. It's the start of a CataRT-style timbre space interface...
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Andy Farnell padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk wrote:
Tried it out yesterday with success. The timbral ordering was a lot of fun, it would be a great tool for building wavetable synths too.
The vowel matching worked well, the help files with a 4 category training test was perfect. Also nice code, no weird libs, so everything compiled first time.
cheers for posting these William, great work.
On Sun, 13 Dec 2009 09:23:20 -0800 William Brent william.brent@gmail.com
Hi José,
Nope, no SC implementation for now, just Pd.
Thanks for looking...
On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 2:48 AM, josepadovani
josepadovani@yahoo.com.br wrote:
That is really nice! Do you have this working also in SC? (I am
asking because our recent thread
about cepstrum in sc list) I will try it soon!
Best wishes, josé
William Brent escreveu:
Hi list,
I just put together a simple example
patch using a couple of my
timbreID externs in order to identify
sung vowels. Here's a 30 second
movie that demonstrates the patch:
I've only played with it a bit, but it
seems like it works well within
a small pitch range as is. If anyone
actually has a need for this at
the moment, let me know how it works for
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-- William Brent www.williambrent.com
“Great minds flock together” Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st
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-- William Brent www.williambrent.com
“Great minds flock together” Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century
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