I think I answered my own question -- I'm sure there are other ways to go about it but an array, 128 items with a range of 0-127, will work quite nicely for remapping to the appropriate curve.
Thanks rs
On 2/20/06, Ryan Supak ryansupak@gmail.com wrote:
Hi PeeDee list,
I use PD as a MIDI "translator" into the popular Ableton Live. I'm trying to make it to where a single knob controls wet/dry mix for a given track. I was hoping it would be a fairly trivial matter of making a single CC input into two with PD, and assigning each of the two CCs to a knob (one inverted), and being done with it.
However, the problem is that Ableton's knobs use "audio taper", such that the change in decibels per cc amount is much larger at the bottom than at the top. The result of this -- is that at "50 wet/50 dry", the sound is attenuated quite a lot. Really, though, the sound amplitude should not change across the wet/dry span.
I'm guessing one solution is to alter the 0-127 range of the CC controls within PD -- maybe map them along a different curve.
Thanks for any thoughts! rs