Tigital's idea of outputing the messages to the system's 'console'
could help in that regard, though its currently implemented for MacOS
X, it should be an easy UNIX port using syslog. The Windows EventLog
might be a bit more complicated.
On Thursday, Jan 29, 2004, at 13:35 America/New_York, Miller Puckette
There's a trick here which is figuring out how to deal with errors
that might mean the GUI can't start up at all or will soon die... and yet other messages which come up before the GUI has been started (does one store
them and send them all up once the GUI is alive?) hmm....Miller
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 07:11:48PM +0100, Thomas Grill wrote:
Besides, I don't use devel_0_37, because I don't know what are the
several branches of Pd, how they relate to each other, what are the
differences, and which one I should use.devel_0_37 is the experimental branch of pd 0.37. It seems to be quite common that patches for pd 0.37 are introduced there. To my knowledge there are no other commonly used cvs branches.
If your patch is complete, then it would be a good idea to use it in
a future version of mine, as there are many stderr messages I don't
actually handle at all. I think many/most error messages still get sent to stderr...Naturally, my modification redirects only the printout functions
declared in s_print.c, but can't capture those directly printed to stdout or
stderr.best greetings, Thomas
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