On Mon Apr 16, 2007 at 03:39:25AM +0200, federico wrote:
just some notes: I was thinking on how to manage releases, since many externals do not have releases numbers. also: in gentoo binary packages aren't much in use. gentoo *is* a build farm: the user compiles the softwares that wants to installs, choosing compile options via tag-like switches (USE flags). (you can actually use it to build binary packages working out-of-the-box) that information is handled in ebuilds, special shell scripts that have the "version&dependency check,fetch,unpack,compile,test,install,merge" recipe.
so a gentoo repository it's just a collection of ebuilds, metadata and changelogs, no bin packages.
a note about the development: to commit ebuilds properly, automating the check of some rules and the writing of changelog, there's a script (sunrise-commit) wich relies on SVN (didn't look how can be adapted to CVS), so it may be better work on pd-overlay project separately, and sync to pd-cvs or wathever vc when doing point releases of pd/pd-ext (also useful for tracking external's versions) (I can add you as developer of pd-overlay, if you are intended to help testing, or fixing ebuilds, or using it as a build platform.... just give me your sf.net usernmae)
where are the ebuilds now. sunrise? pro-audio? pdlay?